Translation for "locates it" to spanish
Translation examples
No anti-personnel mines were located.
No se localizó ninguna mina antipersonal.
A UNAMID patrol dispatched to search for the vehicle located and pursued it.
Una patrulla de la UNAMID enviada a buscar el vehículo lo localizó y persiguió.
Until they are located and identified, these children may continue to be abused.
Hasta que se les localiza e identifica, esos niños pueden seguir sufriendo abusos.
20. CTBTO located the epicentre of this detonation near previous ones.
La OTPCE localizó el epicentro de esta detonación en un lugar cercano a las anteriores.
Ecstasy production is predominantly located in Europe and North America.
La producción de éxtasis se localiza sobre todo en Europa y América del Norte.
Mr. Rajan could not be located.
No se localizó al Sr. Rajan.
In this case, the Government provided the location of the place of detention.
En este caso, el Gobierno localizó el lugar de detención.
Of these, 440 persons were located and 420 remained untraced.
Se localizó a 440 de estas personas y 420 quedaron sin localizar.
UNDOF investigated the incident, but only one location was identified.
La FNUOS investigó el incidente, pero solo localizó el lugar de una de ellas.
The first locates and collects environmental data, while the second locates distress calls.
El primero localiza y recoge datos ambientales, mientras que el segundo localiza llamadas de socorro.
Let me know right away when you locate it.
Házmelo saber en cuanto lo localices.
Where is it located?
¿Dónde se localiza?
She located a picture.
Localizó una fotografía.
So it did locate me.
Así que me localizó.
Joan located a hose;
Joan localizó una manguera;
She located him as he moved;
Lo localizó cuando se movió;
She located her on one of the camera screens.
La localizó en una de las pantallas.
“What about when you locate her?”
—¿Qué pasará cuando la localices?
and located the various fragments of the deceased.
y localizó los restos del difunto.
She located Ross at once.
Localizó a Ross a la primera;
The Valencia site is located within this area.
El emplazamiento de Valencia se ubica dentro de esta zona.
Its Secretariat, which provides the necessary support to the Committee, was located in the Department of Justice.
Su secretaría, que presta el necesario apoyo al Comité, se ubica en el Departamento de Justicia.
A new open prison camp was recently located at Kuruwita in the Ratnapura District.
Recientemente se ubicó un nuevo campo penitenciario abierto en Kuruwita, distrito de Ratnapura.
A Special Court Outreach Office was immediately set up and located in the Office of the Prosecutor.
Inmediatamente se creó una Oficina de Divulgación del Tribunal Especial, que se ubicó en la Fiscalía.
As Ledoux locates his theater in the eye, Syberberg locates his cinema inside the mind, where all associations are possible.
Así como Ledoux ubica su teatro en el ojo, Syberberg ubica su cine dentro de la mente, donde son posibles todas las asociaciones.
With a probability adept's skill he located the cause.
Con la destreza de un experto en probabilística ubicó la causa.
I believe that the best school for hatred is located in this very place.
Creo que es en ese preciso lugar donde se ubica la mejor escuela del odio.
South of the river is where most of the county's residential and shopping areas are located.
Al sur del río se ubica la mayoría de las áreas residenciales y de compras.
Then he sniffed the air, located the pack and started off after them.
Después olfateó el aire, ubicó a la manada y partió en su busca.
Thats up to the City Council of the district in which the expropriated land is located.
Eso corresponde al Ayuntamiento, en cuya circunscripción se ubica el terreno por expropiar.
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