Translation for "little hairs" to spanish
Translation examples
920 Making the little hairs all stand on end
920 que eriza todos los pelillos
Line 920: little hairs stand on end
Verso 920: que eriza todos los pelillos
The sensation of her breath blowing across the stand of little hairs in his ear aroused him.
—La sensación de su aliento al infiltrarse entre los diminutos pelillos del oído lo excitó.
She has two big warts on her chin from which there sprouts a clump of little hairs;
Tiene dos grandes verrugas en la barbilla de las que brota un manojo de pelillos;
Under the shirt his skin must be golden as lamplight, the little hairs on his chest crisp as grass. No.
Bajo la camisa su piel debe de ser dorada como luz de lámpara y los pelillos de su pecho crespos como hierba. No.
Standing behind the chair, she would have to stretch her arms high to reach the three little hairs that fell over his collar.
De pie, detrás de la silla, tenía que levantar los brazos para llegar a los tres pelillos que sobresalían de la nuca.
All of a sudden he spied a stranger: the solitary little hair was swaying back and forth, disgustingly, in the center of his neatly turned earlobe.
Identificó de pronto a un forastero: el solitario pelillo se balanceaba, ignominioso, en el centro de la torneada perilla del lóbulo.
No, no new little hairs had popped out in any of the angles, protuberances, and curves of his outer ear, except for those three musketeers whose presence he had spied, to his surprise, one fine day, some years ago now.
No, en ninguno de los ángulos, protuberancias y curvas del pabellón habían brotado nuevos pelillos, fuera de esos tres mosqueteros cuya presencia detectó un buen día, sorprendido, hacía ya de esto algunos años.
But the pouches under her eyes have the texture of leather, and then there’s the red swelling around her nostrils, a swelling from which sprout dark little hairs as thick and straight as dry grass. Someone’s been grazing at the horse stables one time too many.
Pero esas bolsas bajo los ojos tienen la textura del cuero, y no olvidemos esa hinchazón rojiza en torno a las fosas nasales, hinchazón de la que nacen unos pelillos oscuros recios y tiesos como la hierba seca. Es lo malo que tiene pasar tanto tiempo pastando en las caballerizas.
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