Translation for "is occurring in" to spanish
Translation examples
14. This is, to some extent, occurring.
En cierto modo, ya está ocurriendo así.
Illegal logging is occurring
Las talas ilegales siguen ocurriendo
This is likely to continue to occur.
Es probable que esto siga ocurriendo.
There are already encouraging signs that this is occurring.
Hay indicios alentadores de que eso está ocurriendo.
This is already occurring, but will become more important at a later stage.
Eso ya está ocurriendo pero será más frecuente posteriormente.
Evidence suggests that this indeed is occurring.
La información disponible indica que ello de hecho está ocurriendo.
In Colombia, the femininization of the epidemic is occurring gradually.
En Colombia la feminización de la epidemia está ocurriendo gradualmente.
That something very strange is occurring in the animal kingdom.
Algo muy extraño está ocurriendo en el reino animal.
and what's happened now with the value system disorder is that, since that's the persuit, that's the devine drive of the system... that's what status is defined by, that's what your success is defined by... that everyone can blindly look the other way with how much destruction is occuring in the world
Y lo que pasa hoy con el trastorno en el sistema de valores es que, como ésa es la meta, el dinero es el dios que controla sistema. Es lo que define el estatus, lo que define el éxito... tanto que todos pueden ver ciegamente para otro lado en medio de tanta destrucción que está ocurriendo en el mundo
Do miracles still occur?
—¿Siguen ocurriendo milagros?
It seemed to occur inside him.
Parecía estar ocurriendo en su interior.
"What I mean is, it's occurred to me.
Quiero decir que se me está ocurriendo.
But the judge knows what is occurring. "No, sir.
Pero el magistrado sabe lo que está ocurriendo. –No señor.
Besides, something else rather nasty is occurring.
—Además, están ocurriendo cosas desagradables.
We are among magicians and strange events occur.
Estamos entre magos, y están ocurriendo extraños sucesos.
Large events were occurring, and he was at their center.
Estaban ocurriendo grandes cosas y él era el centro de los acontecimientos—.
Word of what was occurring reached the second city.
El rumor de lo que estaba ocurriendo llegó a la segunda ciudad.
The events occurring now have their explanation in these books.
Los hechos que ahora están ocurriendo tienen su sentido en estos códices.
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