Translation for "is handsome" to spanish
Translation examples
He sure is handsome.
Seguro que es buenmozo.
And, of course, he is handsome, and, er... A trifle insolent, I agree, but on the other hand...
Es buenmozo y un tanto insolente, pero por otro lado...
He was handsome and looked both bold and kind, though there was something about his face that didn’t seem quite right.
Era buenmozo y tenía un aire atrevido y bondadoso a la vez, a pesar de que había algo raro en su cara.
He had been remarkably handsome in his youth; and, at fifty-four, was still a very fine man.
Había sido sin duda buenmozo en su juventud, y a los cincuenta y cuatro años era todavía un hombre de atractiva apariencia.
Arnold Bulygin—that handsome and enterprising young man—married an American Jew and founded a select Catholic school.
Arnold Bulygin —el joven buenmozo y emprendedorse había casado con una americana de origen judío y había fundado un flamante colegio católico.
As for Timothy, he looked almost handsome despite his long horse-face, and, when questioned by the relentless Kate, he confessed that he had had his teeth straightened.
Por su parte, Timothy Bruce se veía casi buenmozo, a pesar de su larga cara de caballo, y al ser interrogado por la implacable Kate confesó que se había arreglado la dentadura.
In a few minutes, he came to the dining room, still in his dark suit, with his hair slicked down and a rosebud in his lapel, handsome and young looking; he pushed back the chair with his elbows to avoid touching it with his fingers, and sat down.
Poco después entró al comedor con su traje oscuro, peinado con gomina y un botón de rosa en la solapa, buenmozo y todavía joven, retiró la silla con los codos para no tocarla con los dedos y se sentó.
Who is handsome? - Enea!
¿Quién es guapo?
- Kubinyi is handsome.
-Kubinyi es guapo.
He's handsome in the way a boy should be handsome.
Pensó que era guapo, guapo como debe serlo un joven.
Too handsome to be handsome, Clemence had said.
«Demasiado guapo para ser guapo», había dicho Clemence.
And above all, handsomer.
Y sobre todo, más guapo.
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