Translation for "is are seen" to spanish
Translation examples
Entire countries have seen their economies stumble because of that lack of confidence.
Países enteros ven tambalearse sus economías a causa de la desconfianza.
Whatever the changes and reforms, they are not seen in reality.
Sean cuales fueren los cambios y reformas, no se ven por ninguna parte.
Despite the entry into force of the Convention against Corruption, no concrete results could be seen.
Pese a la entrada en vigor de la Convención contra la Corrupción, no se ven resultados tangibles.
The reason or benefit in entering information into INFOCAP is not seen by some stakeholders.
Algunas partes interesadas no ven el motivo o el beneficio de incorporar información a la INFOCAP.
Pyongyang residents and visitors say that luxury cars are seen in Pyongyang.
Los residentes de Pyongyang y los visitantes a la ciudad dicen que en ella se ven coches de lujo.
Some have grown up with hunger in their bones, and they have seen no future in the refugee camps.
Algunos de ellos han crecido acostumbrados al hambre y no ven futuro en los campos de refugiados.
At that time, such flies and spiders were never seen in the region.
En esa época jamás se ven moscas ni arañas en la región.
Many young people are still seen street-hawking when they should be in school.
Aún se ven muchos jóvenes dedicados a la venta ambulante cuando deberían estar en la escuela.
It appeared that the solution to poverty for many in Guatemala was seen as migration or child labour.
Parece que muchos en Guatemala ven la migración o el trabajo infantil como la solución para la pobreza.
The resguardos were not reservations or other places where indigenous people were brought together, as seen elsewhere.
No se trata de reservas ni de otros lugares de concentración, como los que se ven en otros países.
To be seen-to be seen-is to be-her voice trembled-penetrated.
Si os ven -si os ven es como si os penetraran, decía con voz temblorosa.
We are seen as liberators.
Nos ven como liberadoras.
The ghosts are seen there
Se ven los fantasmas que deambulan:
There is no hotel to be seen.
No ven ningún hotel.
Everyone has seen it and knows it!
¡Todos lo ven y lo saben!
INTERPRETER: You say truth: for the things that are seen are temporal, but the things that are not seen are eternal.
INTÉRP. —Esa es la verdad: “Las cosas que se ven son temporales; mas las que no se ven son eternas”.
“”The evidence of things not seen.””
La demostración de las cosas que no se ven.
They have not been seen since.
No han sido vistos desde entonces.
This podium has seen justice, but it has also seen evil, cruelty and exploitation.
Esta tribuna ha visto la justicia, pero también ha visto el mal, la crueldad y la explotación.
We have not seen that.
No hemos visto eso.
Not seen sustainability yet
:: No se ha visto todavía sostenibilidad;
We have seen this in Iran.
Hemos visto esto en el Irán.
I have seen that vision.
Yo he visto esa ilusión.
But no one has seen these images.
Pero nadie ha visto esas imágenes.
She has not seen him since.
Desde entonces no le ha visto.
Seen one, seen 'em all."
Visto uno, vistos todos.
You’ve seen what we’ve seen.
Ha visto lo que hemos visto nosotros.
I’ve seen her, seen her tears, seen her misery. Hell.
La he visto, he visto sus lágrimas, he visto su sufrimiento.
You have not seen… You have not seen
No habéis visto… no habéis visto.
‘We’ll be seen, we’ll be fucking seen.
Nos han visto, nos han visto, joder.
She had seen what she had seen.
Había visto lo que había visto.
She has seen what she has seen.
Ha visto lo que ha visto.
This I have seen, we all have seen.
—Esto he visto yo, todos lo hemos visto.
'What have you seen that I haven't seen?'
—¿Y qué es lo que has visto tú que no haya visto yo?
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