Translation for "inviter" to spanish
Translation examples
I tried courtesy, small talk, a sincere and inviting smile.
Traté de cortesía, charla, una sonrisa sincera e invitadora.
Okay, well, I think these are inviting.
Bueno, creo que estos son invitadores.
Those red, inviting, luscious lips, like two strips of liver gleaming in the moonlight.
Esos labios lujuriosos e invitadores,...
Since you were the one who invited them.
¿Para qué anda de invitador?
Let yourself go, and let your fingers write A poem of desire, on my inviting skin
Déjate llevar y deja que tus dedos escriban... un poema de deseo en mi invitadora piel.
It's warm and cosy... inviting, capacious, yet accommodating.
Cálida, cómoda, invitadora espaciosa, pero albergadora.
At the killing of the hunter, Caroline Meredith, the undersigned Marcello Poletti lifts the cup filled with your product and clearly repeats the following slogan with a courteous and inviting smile:
Al matar a la cazadora, Caroline Meredith, el abajo firmante, Marcello Poletti alza la copa llena con nuestro producto y repite claramente el siguiente slogan con una cortés e invitadora sonrisa:
Smiling in invitation.
Y le sonreía invitadora.
The warm, inviting smiles.
Con esas sonrisas cálidas e invitadoras.
It was small but inviting. IV
Era leve pero invitadora. IV
How warm and inviting she had sounded.
Qué cálida e invitadora había sonado.
Her lips were softly sensual, inviting.
Sus labios eran sensuales, invitadores.
The warmth of the lights was cheerful and inviting;
La calidez de las luces era alegre e invitadora;
Her smile seemed an invitation.
—La sonrisa de Corcoran parecía invitadora—.
I made an inviting gesture.
Hice un movimiento invitador con la mano.
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