Translation for "insuperable" to spanish
Translation examples
It is true that differences remain, but they are not insuperable.
Es cierto que siguen existiendo diferencias, pero no son insuperables.
97. I believe these challenges are not insuperable, but institutional reforms may well be needed if they are to be overcome.
Aunque estimo que no son insuperables, estos desafíos bien pueden requerir reformas institucionales para superarlos.
Mr. Posner agreed that the shortage of data represented a challenge in the short term but suggested that it was not insuperable.
El Sr. Posner estuvo de acuerdo en que la falta de datos representaba un desafío a corto plazo, aunque manifestó que no era insuperable.
Insuperable conditions were imposed on the admission of students to Israeli universities.
Se impusieron condiciones insuperables al ingreso de estudiantes a las universidades israelíes.
8. The impediments to achieving the goals of the Millennium Declaration come in many forms but they are not insuperable.
Los obstáculos para el logro de los objetivos de desarrollo del Milenio toman muchas formas, pero no son insuperables.
We appreciate the almost insuperable difficulties that were involved.
Nos damos cuenta de las casi insuperables dificultades que ello entraña.
Defining terrorism in specific terms presented insuperable obstacles as experience had already shown.
Definir el terrorismo en términos concretos plantea problemas insuperables, como demuestra la experiencia.
President Chirac (spoke in French): The spread of HIV/AIDS is no longer insuperable and inevitable.
El Presidente Chirac (habla en francés): La propagación del VIH/SIDA ha dejado de ser una fatalidad insuperable e inevitable.
It sometimes has created insuperable obstacles to the access of both researchers and the bioindustry to genetic resources.
En ocasiones ha creado obstáculos insuperables al acceso de los investigadores y la bioindustria a los recursos genéticos.
While the Treaty continued to face pressures and challenges, none of them were insuperable.
Aunque el Tratado continúa haciendo frente a presiones y desafíos, ninguno es insuperable.
Spain for me, has long since been just as insuperable a hole as Algiers.
España para mí, no era una mazmorra más insuperable que Argel.
Being short isn't as insuperable a handicap as you might think.
Ser bajito no es un inconveniente tan insuperable como puede parecer.
Your predicament does present almost insuperable obstacles, of course.
Su aprieto presenta obstáculos casi insuperables, por supuesto.
It was in the Soviet Union itself that Gorbachev faced insuperable problems.
Era en la propia Unión Soviética donde Gorbachov enfrentaba problemas insuperables.
We're like allies facing an insuperable enemy.
Somos como aliados se enfrentan a un enemigo insuperable .
Your Christian names are still an insuperable barrier.
Sus nombres de bautismo siguen siendo una barrera insuperable.
Not insuperable barriers.
Sin barreras insuperables.
Mighty walls that maintained insuperable ideological differences have come tumbling down.
Los grandes muros que sostenían diferencias ideológicas insuperables se han desmoronado.
I hardly think so, it is insuperable.
No lo creo. Es insuperable.
by an insuperable and instinctive tenderness.
Con tanta frecuencia como lo estaba viendo, sin sentirme atraída hacia él Por una ternura insuperable e instintiva.
The difficulties are insuperable.
Las dificultades son insuperables.
“We have an aviation that is insuperable.”
Nosotros tenemos una aviación insuperable.
The obstacles seem insuperable.
Los obstáculos parecen casi insuperables.
Her disadvantages, for the present, were insuperable.
Sus desventajas, de momento, eran insuperables.
“Are you quite sure that these reasons are insuperable?”
—¿Está usted segura de que esos motivos son insuperables?
But it would hardly represent an insuperable barrier.
Pero ello no supone una barrera insuperable para él.
At that moment, the distance seemed insuperable.
En aquel momento, la distancia me parecía una dificultad insuperable.
At first the difficulties of imitation appeared to be insuperable.
Al principio, las dificultades de la imitación parecieron insuperables.
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