Translation for "induced in" to spanish
Translation examples
Legally induced
Inducidos legalmente
Induced abortion
Aborto inducido
Induced change
Cambio inducido
Induced abortions
Abortos inducidos
Of which; induced terminations
De los cuales fueron inducidos
Legally induced abortions
Abortos inducidos legalmente
The magnetic field induced in these substances could not twist the light from his lamp back into view.
El campo magnético inducido en estas sustancias no podía retorcer la luz desde su lámpara hasta su punto de vista.
But, Mac, hibernation's never been induced in human beings.
Pero, Mac, la hibernación nunca ha sido inducida en seres humanos.
[Narrator] White's lawyers introduced the testimony of five psychiatrists... to prove that he acted while in a state of severe depression... induced in part by consuming too much junk food.
Los abogados de White abogados presentaron el testimonio de cinco psiquiatras... para demostrar que actuó en un estado de depresión severa... inducida en parte por el consumo de mucha comida chatarra.
Or induced the same in others?
¿O las ha inducido en otros?
"Induced hypnotism…" "No—"
—Hipnotismo inducido… —No…
“An induced state of monomania.”
–Un estado de monomanía inducida.
‘A stroke. Artificially induced.’
—Un ataque, inducido artificialmente.
This drug-induced fugue.
En esta fuga inducida por la droga.
He has induced me to do it.
Él me ha inducido a hacerlo.
But were they really psychically induced?
Pero ¿eran en realidad inducidas psíquicamente?
“Defined as an induced state of monomania.”
–Defínalo como un estado inducido de monomanía.
You induced a famous actor…
Has inducido a un actor famoso...
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