Translation for "impress upon" to spanish
Translation examples
they do so, very often, in the hope of making some impression upon the inertia and the immovability of the selfish old.
lo hacen a menudo, en efecto, con la esperanza de impresionar a los mayores, que, egoístamente, se apoltronan en la inercia y el inmovilismo.
When you are whipped, scream loudly and cry a great deal in order to impress upon His Highness how much the beating hurts him.
Cuando os azoten gritad fuerte y llorad a rabiar para impresionar a su alteza por lo mucho que os duele el castigo.
Probably put here by the Aztecs to impress upon traveling merchants of other tribes what happens to towns that don't pay their tribute." "Very good.
Probablemente la pusieron aquí los aztecas para impresionar a los mercaderes viajeros de otras tribus y describirles lo que les sucede a las ciudades que no pagan su tributo. —Excelente.
I’ve always tried to impress upon my family my own axiom: you are what you eat.”
Siempre he intentado inculcar a la familia mi propio axioma: eres lo que comes.
And it was this great truth, this grand vision, that Weston wanted to impress upon his son on their journey west.
Era aquella gran verdad, aquel magnífico proyecto, lo que Weston deseaba inculcar a su hijo con aquel viaje hacia el oeste.
A concept that he had endeavored to impress upon his girls was that the law was impersonal; it wasn’t about your feelings, it was about your argument.
Un concepto que pretendía inculcar a sus hijas era que la ley era impersonal: no tenía que ver con los sentimientos, sino con los argumentos.
Hilary continued to move freely about India and took pains to impress upon his son that the greatest sin that man could commit was injustice, and that it must always be fought against, tooth and nail – even when there seemed to be no hope of winning.
Hilary siguió viajando por la India y tratando de inculcar a su hijo que el peor pecado que podía cometer un hombre era la injusticia, y que siempre había que luchar contra ella con uñas y dientes, aun cuando no hubiera esperanzas de triunfar.
In his lawyer’s voice, without a shade of inflection, he said: “Your aunt has asked me to try and impress upon you and Jean Louise that you are not from run-of-the-mill people, that you are the product of several generations’ gentle breeding—” Atticus paused, watching me locate an elusive redbug on my leg.
Con su voz de abogado, sin la sombra de una inflexión, dijo: —Tu tía me ha pedido que probase de inculcaros a ti y a Jean Louise la idea de que no descendéis de gente vulgar, de que sois el producto de varias generaciones de personas de buena crianza… —Atticus se interrumpió para ver cómo yo localizaba una nigua huidiza en mi pierna—.
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