Translation for "ill treat" to spanish
Translation examples
Ill-treating a whore was understandable;
Maltratar a una ramera era comprensible;
He saw a parallel between the lives of the rats and humans in their manlike conduct of ill-treating a fellow creature, the rabbit.
Había cierto paralelo entre ellas y los humanos, tal como lo demostraba la forma de maltratar al conejo.
Under ordinary circumstances I would retain my innate scepticism about such a large institution—that its staff would embezzle, perhaps also ill-treat the children.
En circunstancias normales mantendría mi escepticismo innato respecto a una institución tan grande… por las posibles malversaciones de sus empleados, o quizá porque podrían maltratar a los niños.
      Cornelius, without even hearing what his jailer said, allowed himself to be ill-treated, abused, and threatened, remaining all the while sullen, immovable, dead to every emotion and fear.
Cornelius, sin ni siquiera escuchar lo que decía el carcelero, se dejó maltratar, injuriar, amenazar, permaneciendo triste, inmóvil, aniquilado, insensible a todas las emociones, muerto a todo temor.
He was very big and very black, but he possessed great gentleness - he would never ill-treat, I felt sure, even an inanimate object, such as a recalcitrant chair. Nothing can be more inconsiderate to a man ot Doctor Magiot's profession than a telephone.
Magiot era muy negro y alto, pero tenía una gran suavidad: sentí que era incapaz de maltratar siquiera un objeto inanimado, por ejemplo una silla recalcitrante.
To be sure, there was a great deal of subdued aggression implicit in Zaak’s behavior, but he did not take it out on her; he did so only after he separated from her and married a poor woman whom he could ill-treat with impunity.
A pesar de que había mucha agresividad implícita en el comportamiento de Zaak, no la descargaba con ella y sólo lo hizo después de que se separaran, cuando se casó con una pobre mujer a la que pudo maltratar impunemente.
I consider your behaviour madness.’ When cadets in the Metz artillery school rioted and insulted townspeople, Napoleon called them to order: ‘The Prussian army used to insult and ill-treat burghers, who were later delighted when it suffered defeat.
Considero una locura la actitud que usted adoptó.» Cuando los cadetes de la escuela de artillería de Metz provocaron disturbios e insultaron a la gente, Napoleón los llamó al orden: «El ejército prusiano acostumbraba a insultar y maltratar a los burgueses, y éstos después se sintieron encantados cuando el ejército fue derrotado.
When I stopped giving him money and he began to suspect that it was my daughter who was at the bottom of it, he gave up all attempts at concealment. He then began to ill-treat Monorama so cruelly, not hesitating even to insult her before outsiders, that once more I had to go on giving him money without her knowledge, knowing full well that I was only helping him on the road to hell.
Cuando no quise darle nada más, él dedujo que mi hija me había puesto al corriente de todo, y dejó de disimular. Entonces le dio por maltratar a Monorama cruelmente. Llegaba a insultarla en presencia de extraños, por lo que, sin que mi hija se enterara, tuve que volver a darle dinero, aun sabiendo que le ayudaba a condenarse.
Still, she did not ill-treat her slave.
Aun así, no quería tratar mal a la esclava.
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