Translation for "ice-floe" to spanish
Translation examples
This is the final ice floe.
—Éste es el témpano de hielo final.
The promotion list was an ice floe.
La lista de ascensos era un témpano de hielo.
There she is, on this ice floe with her cub.
Ahí la tienes, encima de este témpano de hielo con su cachorro.
Or to sail north into the ice-floes, clear to Hogen Land.
o al norte entre los témpanos de hielo, hasta Hogenlandia.
There were ice floes big as mountains, he had said.
Había témpanos de hielo del tamaño de montañas, le había dicho.
Next we would be watching for ice floes on the East River.
Lo siguiente sería buscar témpanos de hielo en el East River.
The river was narrow, though there were ice floes everywhere.
El río era estrecho, aunque había témpanos de hielo por todas partes.
Here is a mother hooded seal on an ice floe with her cub.
He aquí una foca narizona madre sobre un témpano de hielo con su cachorro.
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