Translation for "him-although" to spanish
Translation examples
No, I've never heard of him, although... you know, just a preliminary look at his work...
No, nunca escuché de él, aunque... es sólo una mirada preliminar a su trabajo...
I was in love with the Arrow, but you're not him, although I do like the sleeveless.
Estuve enamorada de Arrow, pero tú no eres él, aunque me gustas sin mangas.
"I'm away from him, although I have met him.."
"Estoy lejos de él, aunque yo lo he conocido .."
I've dispatched Kitty to inquire after him, although I'm not very hopeful.
He enviado a Kitty a hacer averiguaciones sobre él, aunque no espero mucho.
They really meant something to him... although of course he didn't talk much about it... except in terms of soup and truffles.
Significaban algo realmente para él... aunque no hablaba demasiado de ello... salvo al referirse a la sopa o a las trufas.
I've been aboard the Honshu for two days and I still haven't spoken to him, although the doctors say he has recovered.
Llevo dos días a bordo de la Honshu y todavía no he hablado con él, aunque los médicos dicen que se ha recuperado.
I I knew what the old man felt... and I pitied him, although I chuckled at heart.
Yo sabía lo que el viejo sentía, y me compadecí de él, aunque riera en mi corazón.
Particularly for him, although she couldn't know that.
Especialmente para él; aunque eso ella no lo sabía.
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