Translation for "heavy step" to spanish
Heavy step
Translation examples
The only reality was the heavy step of those men trying to escape annihilation.
La única realidad era el paso pesado de aquellos hombres que trataban de escapar de la aniquilación.
He heard her heavy step moving up the dark stairs. He heard her stop, panting, to rest.
Escuchó el paso pesado de la muchacha por la escalera, sus descansos y sus respiraciones.
he had heard the heavy step of Gryphus in the lobby, but this step had perfectly satisfied the prisoner that his jailer was coming alone.
había oído el paso pesado de Gryphus en el corredor, pero había percibido perfectamente que ese paso se aproximaba solo.
She liked walking in her hobnailed boots and felt that her heavy step gave her more security in the presence of these three men.
Le gustaba andar con botas y le parecía que su paso pesado le daba más seguridad estando en compañía de aquellos tres hombres.
It is sparked by a rustling, some twenty yards from the cave, and the slight vibration of a heavy step through the stone floor that reaches the neura of his face;
Lo incita un crujido que suena a unos veinte metros de la cueva y un paso pesado sobre el suelo de piedra, cuya leve vibración llega hasta la neura de su rostro;
Olympias leaned against the wall as though in a faint and listened to her husband’s heavy steps resound along the corridor and fade away to nothing down the stairs. 18
Olimpia se apoyó en la pared como si se sintiera desfallecer y escuchó su paso pesado retumbar en el corredor y perderse en el fondo de la escalinata. 18
Only very huge animals would make such heavy steps, and since they were at the same time very soft, they could only be those of a great cat. A tiger.
Solo un animal bien grande podría caminar con aquel paso pesado, y seguramente se trataba de un felino a juzgar por la suavidad con que se deslizaba.
      Cornelius, frightened at seeing her so pale and sinking, was going to take her in his arms, when a heavy step, followed by other dismal sounds, was heard on the staircase, amidst the continued barking of the dog.
Cornelius, asustado al verla tan pálida y desfallecida, iba a cogerla en sus brazos, cuando un paso pesado, seguido de otros ruidos siniestros, sonó en las escaleras acompañado por los ladridos del perro.
Could there have been, in that placid good gardener, with his even false teeth and heavy step and pallid stubby lashes, a fatal reserve of unreason that had burst forth and destroyed two blameless lives?
¿Podía haber habido, en ese buen jardinero plácido, con sus dientes postizos regulares, paso pesado y pálidas pestañas frondosas, una fatal reserva de irracionalidad que irrumpió y cercenó dos vidas inocentes?
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