Translation for "have tea" to spanish
Have tea
Translation examples
I'll have tea now.
Tomaré ahora.
Can I have tea?
¿Puedo tomar ?
- Will you have tea?
¿Va a tomar ?
-I'll have tea please.
- Tomaré , por favor.
We'll have tea.
Vamos a tomar .
Will you have tea or something a little stronger?
¿Tomará té o algo un poco más fuerte?
Maureen, are we going to have tea or not?
Maureen, ¿vamos a tomar té o no?
     'But you will at least have tea with us? At the Meurice?'
—¿Vendrá a tomar té con nosotros? Estamos en el Meurice.
‘If we’re going to have tea, let’s have it.
—Si vamos a tomar té, hagámoslo ya.
“Or would you rather have tea?” Vigot asked.
—¿O prefiere tomar té? —preguntó Vigot.
Now, will you have tea with me, Kathy?
Ahora, ¿quieres tomar té conmigo, Kathy?
I’ll wait for you downstairs. We’ll go and have tea.”
Te espero en la puerta. Iremos a tomar té. Y fuimos.
I got dressed and went out to the kitchen, to have tea with Mama.
Me vestí y fui a la cocina para tomar té con mamá.
“She didn’t tell me it was so she could have tea with the emperor!”
—¡No me dijo que la razón era una cita para tomar té con el emperador!
After a few minutes of talk, he invited her to have tea with him.
Al cabo de unos minutos de conversación, la invitó a tomar té.
Then she asks if he wants to have tea.
Le pregunta si quiere merendar.
‘We could have tea here,’ said Pippi.
—Podríamos merendar aquí —dijo Pippi—.
“I just want sometimes to have tea with my son.”
Solamente quiero merendar de vez en cuando con mi hijo.
'And I'll see if my mother will let us have tea down here in the shed.
Procuraré que mi madre nos dé algo para merendar.
Once two—young baggages—were left to have tea with her and they talked to her about divorce scandals and corespondents.
A dos, que eran dos arpías, las dejaron a merendar con ella, pero le contaron escándalos de divorcios y similares.
You wonder if you will ever enter such a building - have tea or supper or some other human intercourse there.
Te preguntas si alguna vez entrarás en un edificio así, para merendar o cenar o tener algún otro contacto humano.
If one of these days he decides to take the first step and asks you out, let’s say, to have tea, accept the invitation.
Si uno de estos días él decide dar el primer paso y te invita, pongamos, a merendar, acepta la invitación.
“Perhaps Fraulein Hirsch may bring you in to have tea with me some afternoon when you are out,” Lady Etynge said kindly before she left them.
—Tal vez fräulein Hirsch la traiga a casa a merendar conmigo una de estas tardes en que salgan —dijo amablemente lady Etynge antes de despedirse—.
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