Translation for "have fantasies" to spanish
Have fantasies
Translation examples
You'd become confused from time to time, forget things, even have fantasies.
Has empezado a confundirte de tiempo en tiempo, olvidar cosas, incluso tener fantasías.
"Even with old married couples, having fantasies was a given."
Incluso en las viejas parejas casadas tener fantasías era algo normal.
Having fantasies is totes normal and the key to maintaining a healthy relationship.
Tener fantasías es totalmente normal y la clave para mantener una relación saludable.
- I never thought about killing myself, but I used to have fantasies about something happening to me, you know, like getting hit by a truck or falling off a cliff.
Nunca pensé en suicidarme, pero solía tener fantasías de que me sucedería algo, ya sabes, como ser atropellado por un camión o caerme en un precipicio.
- A journalist must have fantasy, doesn't he?
- Un periodista debe tener fantasía, no es así?
You must have fantasies of... maybe someone coming along that...
Debes de tener fantasías sobre alguien que llega y...
Do you often have fantasies like that?
¿Suele tener fantasías así?
There’s nothing wrong with having fantasies.”
No tiene nada de malo tener fantasías.
I’m beginning to have fantasies about it.
Empiezo a tener fantasías sobre el tema.
The Inspector didn’t look the sort of person who would understand at all readily that a husband could have fantasies of murdering his wife without actually putting them into effect.
El inspector no parecía ser la clase de individuo capaz de entender fácilmente el que un marido pudiera tener fantasías de asesinar a su mujer sin llevarlas realmente a la práctica.
“I’m touched, my love, by how tender, how nice it must have been when, still submerged in the bitterness of his widowhood, he began to have fantasies, desires, ejaculations, thinking about his employee.
Me conmueve, amor mío, lo tierno, lo bonito que debió ser cuando, sumido aún en la amargura de su viudez, comenzó a tener fantasías, deseos, poluciones, pensando en su empleada.
Nevertheless, since she turned up in the night shift this smiling, lonely engineer, or whatever she was, had become more dangerous than any woman who had ever worked for him, since her loneliness was an invitation not only to having fantasies but also to acting them out.
Y de repente comprendió que aquella mujer extranjera, ingeniera de profesión, solitaria y siempre sonriente, suponía para él un peligro mayor que otras mujeres que durante esos años habían estado a su cargo, pues su soledad la arrastraba no sólo a tener fantasías sino a querer materializarlas.
He had been putting his faith in Princess Selene even before he’d found her. Even before he’d known she was the most capable, resourceful, determined person he’d ever met. Even before he’d started having fantasies of a royal Earthen-Lunar marriage that didn’t involve Levana at all.
Había estado poniendo su fe en la princesa Selene incluso antes de haberla encontrado, incluso antes de haber sabido que ella era la persona más capaz, ingeniosa y determinada que había conocido, incluso antes de que empezara a tener fantasías de un matrimonio real entre la Tierra y Luna que no incluyera a Levana en absoluto.
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