Translation for "had fantasies" to spanish
Translation examples
I always had fantasies about George Michael
Siempre tuve fantasías acerca de George Michael
You don't think I've had fantasies that one day you'd take me in your arms and kiss me?
¿Crees que no tuve fantasías que un día me abrazarías y me besarías?
When I heard you were coming here, I'd walk along these rocks, and had fantasies that we'd meet and something special would happen.
Cuando oí que venías aquí, caminé por estas rocas y tuve fantasías sobre nuestro encuentro y sobre algo especial que pasaría.
And then, I mean, that's not even going into the whole thing where I had fantasies about murdering her.
Y entonces, quiero decir eso no es nisiquiera todo el asunto donde tuve fantasias de asesinarla.
You don't think I've had fantasies about you?
¿Crees que no tuve fantasías sobre ti?
Don't tell me you haven't had fantasies about us.
No me digas que no has tenido fantasías sobre nosotros.
I've even had fantasies of maybe leaving Doug for him.
Hasta he tenido fantasías de dejar a Doug por él.
According to this, 66 percent of men over the age of 42 have had fantasies of leaving their wife to run off with a younger woman.
Según esto, el 66 por ciento de los hombres mayores de 42 años han tenido fantasías o dejaron a su mujer para huir con una mujer más joven.
That last part appealed to me a lot, and I often had fantasies of Lissa and me traveling the world. "Yup," agreed Eddie.
“Esa última parte me gustaba mucho, y a menudo tenia fantasias sobre Lissa y yo viajando al rededor del mundo. ”Sip” Eddie estaba de acuerdo.
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