Translation for "has stated" to spanish
Has stated
Translation examples
Miss Crangle has stated her case.
La Sra. Crangle ha declarado en su caso.
Raymond Bonnar, has stated that you tried to murder him.
Raymond Bonnar, ha declarado que trataste de asesinarlo.
'The Indian High Commission in Colombo has stated..'
"La Alta Comisión India en Colombo ha declarado .. "
Moscow Radio has stated:
Moscú ha declarado:
A spokesperson for Internal Affairs has stated,
Un portavoz de Interior ha declarado,
My client has stated on the record that she was home.
Mi cliente ha declarado que estaba en casa.
He has stated that he's best friends with Takua.
Ha declarado que es el mejor amigo de Takua.
He has stated his intention.
Ha declarado su intención de hacerlo.
Mr. Delfino has stated he acted alone.
El Sr. Delfino ha declarado que actuó solo.
Lady Carberry has stated that you drank heavily that night.
Lady Carberry ha declarado que esa noche bebió mucho.
He has stated his intention to.
Ha declarado su intención de hacerlo.
Fastolfe has stated that he was not responsible, so he, of course, was not.
- El doctor Fastolfe ha declarado que no era culpable, de modo que, naturalmente, no lo es.
This court has stated the probate issues are not to be tried here.
El Tribunal ha declarado que las cuestiones testamentarias no deben ventilarse aquí.
"Yes, but prior to that -- in, I believe, two paragraphs -- he has stated that it is an analogy.''
—Sí, pero antes de eso… en, creo, dos párrafos antes… él ha declarado que es una analogía.
Indeed, he has stated that his sole purpose in coming here is to kill… the castle’s erstwhile lord.
Es más, ha declarado que su único propósito es matar… al antiguo señor de la fortaleza.
This witness has stated that to the best of his knowledge he never has heard a doorbell in this apartment.
Este testigo ha declarado que nunca ha oído el timbre de la puerta en dicho piso, que él sepa.
Molto asks, as soon as Robinson has stated his name, his office address, and his profession.
– pregunta Molto, en cuanto Robinson ha declarado su nombre, su dirección profesional y profesión.
Won't that make juicy reading after the Commissioner has stated again and again that this town is as clean as a whistle?"
¿Cómo cree que sonará eso después de que el comisionado ha declarado una y otra vez que esta ciudad está más limpia que una patena?
President Kennedy has stated that if one nuclear weapon is launched from Cuba he will bomb the Soviet Union.
El presidente Kennedy ha declarado que si se lanza una sola arma nuclear desde Cuba, bombardeará la Unión Soviética.
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