Translation for "has remained" to spanish
Translation examples
Who among us has remained pure?
¿Quién de nosotros se ha mantenido puro?
It became an instant hit and has remained a textbook in many universities.
Llegó a ser un éxito instantáneo y se ha mantenido como libro de texto en muchas universidades.
Aurora’s population is two hundred million and that has remained stable for three centuries.
La población de Aurora es de doscientos millones y se ha mantenido estable durante tres siglos.
The pure strain of the blood of this first black man has remained untainted by admixture with that of other creatures;
La pureza de la sangre de este primer hombre negro se ha mantenido sin mezclarse con otras razas;
Elminster has failed often...but his love has not, and he has remained at his task.
Elminster ha fracasado a menudo, pero no así su amor, y se ha mantenido firme en su tarea.
If we get any signals whatever, we will assume that their relative strength has remained constant.
Si recibimos alguna señal, llegaremos a la conclusión de que su potencia relativa se ha mantenido constante.
The impala, a member of the Aepycerotini, being a generalist with a capacity to thrive in a variety of climates has remained the same to this day.
El impala, miembro de los Aepycerotini, que es un animal con capacidad para prosperar en los climas más diversos, se ha mantenido inmutable hasta hoy.
He, of course, knows Sally from our visits to the Shore but has remained significantly silent about her, as he should.
Él, claro, conoce a Sally de nuestras visitas a la costa, pero se ha mantenido en silencio con respecto a ella, como debe ser.
But he has remained too long.
Pero él ha permanecido demasiado tiempo.
He has remained there ever since.
Él ha permanecido allí desde entonces.
But, crucially, Madagascar has remained isolated.
Pero, crucialmente, Madagascar ha permanecido aislada.
It has remained intact for 50 years.
Ha permanecido intacta por 50 años.
Unfortunately, not one of them has remained sober...
...ninguno ha permanecido sobrio, excepto Bill.
For 30 centuries it has remained hidden.
Por 30 siglos, ha permanecido oculto.
And much has remained the same.
Y mucho ha permanecido igual.
Verity has remained here with you.
Verity ha permanecido aquí con usted.
It has remained before my eyes ever since.
Ha permanecido en mi visión desde entonces.
But Pem leapt to the barricades and there he has remained.
Pero Pem saltó a las barricadas y ahí ha permanecido.
Throughout the years, one friend has remained constantly by her side;
A través de los años, una amiga ha permanecido constantemente a su lado;
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