Translation for "hard living" to spanish
Hard living
Translation examples
Hard living has strengthened your resolve.
La vida dura ha reforzado tu determinación.
That is some hard living for 22
Esa es una vida dura de 22
They were both young women, aged by hard living.
Los dos eran mujeres jóvenes, envejecidas por una vida dura.
Well, they live hard lives.
Bien, tienen una vida dura.
Doesn't mean he didn't do some hard living.
Eso no significa que no tuviera una vida dura.
Hard living... keeps trampling on us.
vida dura... guarda pisotear nos.
No! She hasn't got a monopoly on hard lives.
Ella no tiene el monopolio de una vida dura.
No, just years of hard living finally caught up with me.
No, son los años de una vida dura pasándome factura.
Hard living, that's what that is.
Vida dura, eso es lo que es.
And a hard-lived life at that.
Y era una vida dura, además.
hard living had roughened her;
la vida dura la había vuelto más tosca.
They had both had hard lives, and knew what lay before them.
Ambas habían tenido una vida dura y sabían lo que las esperaba en adelante.
However, in the ranks of the Crusaders are many chaplain priests, and they will be hard men accustomed to hard living.
Sin embargo, en las filas de los cruzados hay muchos capellanes, que son hombres duros, acostumbrados a la vida dura.
I would have judged her to be in her early hard-living thirties, and she had never been a beauty;
Yo diría que rondaba la treintena, aunque había tenido una vida dura, y había sido una belleza;
I looked at Teresa, saw how hard living had taken up residence in her features.
Miré a Teresa y vi que la experiencia de una vida dura se había asentado en sus rasgos.
The Aryans were hard-living, hard-drinking people who loved music, gambling, and wine.
Los arios eran gente de vida dura, que bebían mucho, que amaban la música, el juego y el vino.
White, thirtyish, with hard living in his face, he was an exact match of Walter’s profile of the kind of driver who didn’t believe in turn signals.
Blanco, de treinta y tantos años, con una vida dura grabada en el rostro, concordaba a la perfección con el perfil que Walter se había formado del conductor que no creía en los intermitentes.
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