Translation for "had neglected" to spanish
Had neglected
Translation examples
He had neglected his old friends.
Había descuidado a los viejos amigos.
Major Charge had neglected the dahlias;
El mayor Charge había descuidado las dalias.
Mae had neglected them since planting the nursery rice.
Mae las había descuidado un poco desde que las sembró.
Lately I had neglected her because of my worries.
La había descuidado a causa de mis preocupaciones.
I had neglected fastening my safety belt.
Había descuidado atarme el cinturón de seguridad.
The kidnappers had neglected to include Lloobee in their contract.
Los secuestradores habían descuidado el incluir a Lloobee en el contrato.
On several occasions he had neglected to pay maintenance for his elder child.
En algunas ocasiones había descuidado pagar la manutención de su hija mayor.
His script was brilliant, but an area he had neglected-and properly so-was the aliens.
Su guión era brillante, pero un aspecto que había descuidado —y por buenas razones— era el de los extraterrestres.
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