Translation for "great clouds" to spanish
Great clouds
Translation examples
Their very existence, a mystery to the rest of the world, obscured as it was by great clouds.
Su existencia misma, un misterio para el resto del mundo, quedaba oscurecida por grandes nubes.
Stars are born in great clouds of gas and dust.
Las estrellas nacen en grandes nubes de gas y polvo.
The mountains, streams, and rivers, and the great clouds that float by, so solemn and light.
Las montañas, los arroyos y los ríos y las grandes nubes que pasan solemnes y ligeras.
Great clouds were banking in the sky;
En el cielo se arremolinaban grandes nubes;
he lit his pipe and blew great clouds out of it.
encendió la pipa y le sacó grandes nubes de humo.
Great clouds of dark smoke billowed against the sky.
Grandes nubes de humo negro se desplegaban hacia el cielo.
Kicking up great clouds of dust motes in the footlights.
Levantando grandes nubes de motas de polvo en la luz de las candilejas.
and the lands near his dwelling were shrouded in fumes and great clouds.
y sobre las tierras próximas a su morada había una mortaja de vapores y grandes nubes.
The convoy then drove off quickly, raising great clouds of dust.
Después el convoy se alejó rápidamente, levantando grandes nubes de polvo.
Great clouds had gathered, throwing the bowl of hills into an intense shadow.
Se habían amontonado grandes nubes que sumían en intensas sombras la cuenca entre las colinas.
He sucked slowly at the pipe-stem, and soon puffed out a great cloud of smoke.
Empezó a succionar lentamente y por fin sacó grandes nubes de humo.
The heavens were darkening and low thunder rolled along the battlements of the great clouds.
El cielo se oscurecía, y el sordo trueno rodó bajo la muralla de las grandes nubes.
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