Translation for "governing party" to spanish
Governing party
Translation examples
In 1989, four members of the governing party broke away and formed their own party.
En 1989 cuatro miembros del partido del gobierno se escindieron de éste y formaron una nueva colectividad.
All opponents stated that the government party membership card continues to be essential for hiring in both the public and the private sectors.
Todos los opositores aseguraron que el carné del partido de Gobierno sigue siendo indispensable para la contratación, tanto en el sector público como en el privado.
Nevertheless, our struggle for a participatory and inclusive democracy that promotes social justice has transformed the governing party.
No obstante, nuestra lucha por una democracia participativa, incluyente y promotora de la justicia social ha transformado al partido de Gobierno.
All accusations levelled at that newspaper are therefore also accusations levelled at the Government's party.
Todas las acusaciones contra este diario son acusaciones contra el partido del Gobierno.
The Speaker is appointed on the advice of the governing party.
El Presidente del Consejo Legislativo es designado a instancias del partido del Gobierno.
This gives it stability at the parliamentary and governmental levels, as Government parties hold 70 of the 102 parliamentary seats.
Ello confiere estabilidad parlamentaria y gubernamental, ya que los partidos del Gobierno detentan 70 de los 102 escaños en el Parlamento.
And there were two women, one an overweight Knesset member of the governing party and the other a journalist at Davar.
Y había dos mujeres, una era una diputada corpulenta del partido del gobierno y la otra, una periodista de Davar.
The government party always won, thanks to so-called brute force, a well-turned phrase if ever there was one. Even the dead and absent voted for the official candidate; votes were bought and beatings brought the undecided into line.
siempre ganaba el partido de gobierno gra-cias a la fuerza tan bien llamada bruta: votaban hasta los muertos y los ausentes en favor del candidato oficial, se compraban votos y a los du-dosos les metían miedo a palos.
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