Translation for "glass slides" to spanish
Translation examples
and a khaki-clad Major, one arm in a sling, was confiding his box of glass slides to the lady projectionist.
y un comandante vestido de caqui, con un brazo en cabestrillo, confiaba su caja de diapositivas de vidrio a la encargada de la proyección.
Opening the flaps, she perused rows of glass slides as she talked.
Abriéndola, examinó varias hileras de portaobjetos de vidrio y dijo:
“It means that you’re going to let us look at your blood under this machine.” Billy walked up and handed him a glass slide.
—Significa que vas a dejarnos mirar tu sangre a través de esta máquina —informó Billy acercándose y pasándole un portaobjetos de vidrio—.
After blood and dirt were gently agitated free, the solution was strained through sterile filter paper and each fiber was mounted on a glass slide.
Cuando la sangre y el polvo se desprendían, la solución se pasaba a través de un filtro estéril de papel y cada fibra se colocaba en un portaobjetos de vidrio.
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