Translation for "glancing around" to spanish
Translation examples
“No,” said Harry, glancing around.
–No -dijo Harry, mirando alrededor.
Faith glances around, uncomfortable. “No.”
—No —dice Faith, mirando alrededor, incómoda.
Steiner sighed, glancing around the room.
Steiner suspiró mirando alrededor de la habitación.
Luke asked, glancing around the group.
preguntó Luke, mirando alrededor del grupo.
she was still glancing around frantically.
Seguía mirando a su alrededor desesperadamente.
said Rega, glancing around uneasily.
—insistió Rega, mirando a su alrededor con inquietud.
            "True," answered the Northerner, glancing around.
—Cierto—respondió el nórdico, mirando a su alrededor—.
People ducked, glancing around nervously.
La gente se agachó, mirando a su alrededor, nerviosa.
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