Translation for "giant steps" to spanish
Translation examples
That's okay.Just don't take any of those giant steps of yours.
Está bien, pero no des pasos gigantes.
Take three giant steps backwards.
Dé tres pasos gigantes hacia atrás.
That's why he called it "Giant Steps."
Por eso la llamó "Pasos Gigantes".
[ Man ] So take a couple giant steps, Fergy.
así que da unos pasos gigantes, Fergy.
Don't worry, with one leg a little shy, you're gonna take giant steps.
No te preocupes, con una pierna más corta, vas a dar pasos gigantes.
My legs and feet, two giant steps across the room.
Mis piernas y mis pies, dos pasos gigantes a través de la habitación.
Three quiet giant steps across the room, I walked behind the ironing board and stood.
Tres pasos gigantes y silenciosos por la habitación y me coloqué detrás de la tabla.
Three giant steps across the blue and white kitchen tiles, I peeked around the kitchen door and looked through the window.
Tres pasos gigantes por las baldosas azules y blancas de la cocina, y atisbé por la puerta de la cocina y miré por la ventana.
Bahrain has taken giant steps in promotion and protection of human rights.
Bahrein había dado pasos de gigante en la promoción y protección de los derechos humanos.
She was going to take giant steps across history, space and time.
Iba a atravesar la historia, el espacio y el tiempo a pasos de gigante.
He broke from the pack and mounted the Rostra, taking giant steps.
Se apartó del grupo y subió a los Rostra dando pasos de gigante.
As clear as a bell, he heard giant steps crashing through the nearby undergrowth.
Oyó con toda nitidez unos pasos de gigante aplastando los arbustos cercanos.
“He certainly seems to be taking giant steps toward recovery,” says the puffy-hair woman.
—Desde luego, al parecer está dando pasos de gigante hacia su recuperación —dice la mujer del pelo hinchado—.
Ah, if the United States had few other men like Lafayette, Pulavski, and like you, Sir William and your faithful ... they would see their independence take giant steps ...
—¡Ah, si los Estados Unidos contasen con algunos hombres como Lafayette, Pulawski y vos, sir William, y vuestros fieles…, verían su independencia adelantar a pasos de gigante!
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