Translation examples
“You don’t have to get angry.
– No hay por qué enojarse.
To get angry would not help.
No daría resultado enojarse.
She prefers to stop talking and get angry.
Prefiere callar y enojarse.
It is useless to get angry and feel disappointed with oneself.
Es inútil enojarse y desilusionarse con uno mismo.
She was too busy to get angry or bothered.
Estaba demasiado ocupada como para enojarse o molestarse.
"He can't get angry with you, my dear.
Él no puede enojarse con usted, amiga mía.
It certainly is nothing to laugh at. Should we cry? Get angry?
Seguramente no es para reírse. ¿Es para llorar? ¿Para enojarse?
And she don’t shout at them so much, Fushía, they’ll get angry.
Y ella no los grites tanto, Fushía, van a enojarse.
He had to get angry.
Tuvo que enfadarse.
He began to get angry.
Empezó a enfadarse.
She started to get angry.
Empezaba a enfadarse.
No one will get angry.
Nadie va a enfadarse.
The harsh voice was starting to get angry.
—La voz áspera empezaba a encolerizarse—.
So many men seeking favors had been afraid of him that he now acted as if his anger were a solution to everything, as if his anger were omnipotent, as if all he had to do was to get angry.
Tantos hombres en busca de favores se habían estremecido de temor en su presencia, que ahora obraba como si la ira constituyese la única solución para todo; como si dicha ira fuese omnipotente; como si cuanto tuviera que hacer fuera encolerizarse.
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