Translation for "generally meant" to spanish
Translation examples
Three “indeeds” used by a person in one brief speech generally meant an internal spring was about to break.
Tres ”además‘ utilizados por una persona en un discurso breve generalmente significaba que un resorte interior estaba a punto de romperse.
N O ONE WOULD HAVE LOOKED TWICE AT THE BOY IF he had not been running frantically through a very sedate section of the Hill, where running generally meant some kind of trouble. “Hey, there!”
Nadie se habría fijado dos veces en el muchacho si no hubiera estado corriendo desenfrenadamente por una sección particularmente plácida de la Colina, donde correr generalmente significaba algún tipo de problema. —¡Alto ahí!
They would stay at home and putter around, as his mother called it, which generally meant that Ferguson would follow his father from room to room as he repaired things that needed mending, broken toilet flushers, faulty electrical connections, squeaking doors, while his mother sat on the sofa reading Life magazine or went downstairs into her basement darkroom and developed pictures.
Se quedaban en casa haciendo cosas, como decía su madre, lo que generalmente significaba que Ferguson siguiera a su padre de cuarto en cuarto mientras arreglaba averías, cisternas atascadas, conexiones eléctricas defectuosas, puertas que chirriaban, mientras su madre se ponía a leer la revista Life sentada en el sofá o iba abajo, a su cuarto oscuro del sótano, a revelar fotos.
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