Translation for "from service" to spanish
From service
Translation examples
You are therefore officially discharged from service and ordered to return without delay to your home of record.
Está oficialmente liberado del servicio y se le ordena volver en el más breve plazo a su casa.
We know your kind of freedom - freedom to run away - from responsibilities, from service, from moral judgement.
Sabemos tu tipo de libertad: la libertad de eludir responsabilidades, librarse del servicio, de juicios morales.
All those who refused to grovel to him were dismissed from service
Todos los que rehusaron hacerlo fueron despedidos del servicio
Your grace, we came to ask that your grace free us from service...
Excelencia, venimos a pedir que Su Excelencia nos libere del servicio...
And grounds for immediate discharge from service.
Y ameritan ser inmediatamente absueltos del servicio.
[narrator] In Washington, Capra petitioned to be released from service.
En Washington, Capra solicitó ser liberado del servicio.
"Subject is not approved for field duty and immediate suspension from service advised."
"No se aprueba su reincorporación al trabajo de campo y se aconseja su suspensión inmediata del servicio."
Then I had this, uh, situation near the end of basic training, and I got... separated from service.
Después, tuve una situación cerca del final de mi entrenamiento y fui apartado del servicio.
Weren't you guys exempted from service?
¿A ustedes no les eximieron del servicio?
Dr. Gallinger, you are suspended from service until you straighten yourself out.
Dr. Gallinger, queda suspendido del servicio hasta que se pueda controlar.
“It means, freed from service as a mercenary,”
Quiere decir "liberado del servicio de mercenario"
We lost the Cold War and they were withdrawn from service.
—Perdimos la guerra fría y los retiraron del servicio.
Baxter wrote, “You are no more excused from service of work .
Baxter escribió: «No tienes más excusa del servicio del trabajo...
He was the first Mnemonic to be taken away from Service headquarters;
El muchacho era el primer mnemotécnico que abandonaba la residencia del Servicio;
That's right, you're not long back from service with him in the East,
–Es cierto, no hace mucho que volviste del servicio con él en el Este -dijo César;
When a master died, the shogun released the master’s samurai from service.
Cuando un maestro moría, el shogun liberaba del servicio al samurái del maestro.
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