Translation for "for as soon" to spanish
Translation examples
An arraignment can be set for as soon as Monday in Hampson County Court.
Se puede establecer una comparecencia para tan pronto como el lunes en el juzgado del condado de Hampson.
Soon, as soon as I can.’
Tan pronto como pueda.
You shall come with me if I want you to, for as soon as I get tired of you, I will send you into the sea with a whack on the head with an oar.
Sólo vendrás conmigo si quiero, pues tan pronto me canse de ti, te tiraré al mar después de darte fuerte en la cabeza con un remo.
It is silly to hesitate, for as soon as you compose yourself, I'll know what it is you want to ask."
Es estúpido titubear, pues tan pronto como se tranquilice, sabré lo que quiere preguntarme.
For as soon as he heard about Mauricio Puerta’s reading, he wanted his analysis down to the smallest detail.
Pues tan pronto como tuvo noticia de Mauricio Puerta quiso conocer su análisis hasta en sus mínimos detalles.
The moonlight must have caught them directly then, for as soon as they took flight they'd seemed even brighter.
Los rayos lunares les atraparon ahora más directamente, pues tan pronto se elevaron por los aires aumentó su resplandor.
My mother must have had the same opinion of the ocean at Ciénaga, for as soon as she saw it appear to the left of the carriage, she said with a sigh:
Mi madre debía pensar lo mismo del mar de Ciénaga, pues tan pronto como lo vio aparecer a la izquierda del coche, suspiró:
Today it seems to me that Barranquilla gave me a better perspective on Leaf Storm, for as soon as I had a desk and typewriter, I began correcting it with renewed energy.
Hoy me parece que Barranquilla me daba una perspectiva mejor sobre La hojarasca, pues tan pronto como tuve un escritorio con máquina emprendí la corrección con ímpetus renovados.
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