Translation for "flat foot" to spanish
Flat foot
Translation examples
The Benevolent Orders of the Flat-Footed Waiters
Las Ordenes Benévolas de los Camareros de Pie Plano
I don't want to get caught flat-footed again.
No quiero que me cojan con pie plano otra vez.
La Motta the brawler moves in flat-footed most of the time.
La Motta, un peleador que anda siempre con pie plano.
Even the garrison at Calais refused to help, except to send some flat-footed, squint-eyed, unshapely men unfit to carry arms.
Incluso la guarnición en Calais se negó a ayudar, excepto a mandar unos pie-plano, bizcos, hombres desalineados incapaces de portar armas.
That flat foot can't even handle an old lady.
pie plano no puede ni siquiera manejar un de edad.
They walked with that flat-footed, half-crouched stance for balance.
Caminaban con ese paso del pie plano, medio agachados, para mantener el equilibrio.
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