Translation for "few brief words" to spanish
Translation examples
“Yes, Mr. President.” Havelock paused, thinking about the few, brief words they needed to break the Voyagers code.
Dígame que sí. —Sí, señor presidente. —Havelock hizo una pausa, pensando en las pocas y breves palabras que necesitaban para conocer la clave del Voyagers.
In a few brief words Dr. Reilly explained where Mrs. Leidner’s body had been found—in a heap on the rug beside the bed.
En pocas y breves palabras, el doctor Reilly explicó dónde se había encontrado el cuerpo de la víctima; sobre la alfombra, al lado de la cama.
The struggle that had been decided in a few brief words – or rather, in the silences between the words – had had nothing to do with the surface meaning of the scene.
La lucha que se había librado con unas breves palabras -o, mejor, en los silencios entre las palabras- no tenía nada que ver con el significado superficial de la escena.
The third queen, Silar of Algaria, greeted King Fulrach, Mister Wolf and Aunt Pol with a few brief words in a quiet voice.
La tercera reina, Silar de Algaria, saludó al rey Fulrach, al señor Lobo y a tía Pol con unas breves palabras en voz baja.
The young wizard took a few moments to speak a few brief words of reassurance to Anne, then sent her into the tent to prepare hot water and bandages. “You men,” Trian said, turning to the King’s Own.
El joven hechicero dedicó unos instantes a dirigir unas breves palabras de ánimo a la reina y la mandó a la tienda para que preparara agua caliente y unas vendas.
And yet when he pretended to have finished, he directed a few brief words of gratitude to the delegation, which were so appropriate to the occasion that no one could have said he had not read the document.
No obstante, cuando fingió haber terminado dirigió a la comitiva unas breves palabras de gratitud, tan pertinentes para la ocasión que nadie hubiera podido decir que no había leído el documento.
I’ll come back to Cosimo at the right point, and only for a few brief words, though I must confess I am having trouble being brief here on any score, but for now let me say that Cosimo belongs to the living.
Volveré a ocuparme de Cosme dentro de unos momentos, y sólo para agregar unas breves palabras, aunque debo confesar que me resulta difícil ser breve en esta historia.
He addressed a few brief words to me, informing me that he should return within four days, betide what might, setting me tasks upon which I was meanwhile to work, and bidding me keep the house and be circumspect during his absence.
Antes de partir me dirigió breves palabras, indicándome las lecciones que debía estudiar y diciéndome que pensaba estar ausente cuatro días; por último me recomendó que no saliera de casa y fuera comedido en su ausencia.
It dawned on him that he ought to remember that voice forever, those few brief words. It was the only more-or-less concrete thing he had, the only real contact with his enemy, with the man who'd turned his life into "a tale told by an idiot," as Verdugo had said.
Se dio cuenta de que tenía que atesorar esa voz y esas breves palabras, era lo único que poseía de su enemigo, el único contacto que tenía con el hombre que había convertido su vida en «un cuento narrado por un idiota», como decía Verdugo.
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