Translation for "feet and hands" to spanish
Feet and hands
Translation examples
The villagers were forced to undress, their feet and hands were tied, and they were beaten and tortured.
Desnudaron a los habitantes, los ataron de pies y manos, los golpearon y los torturaron.
One defector stated that "people had their feet and hands bound with plastic handcuffs.
Un desertor declaró que: "la gente era atada de pies y manos con esposas de plástico.
Methods of torture include severe beatings, electric shock, suspension by the feet or hands, stretching the legs apart, burning with heated objects, sexual molestation and psychological deprivation and humiliation.
Los métodos de tortura incluyen duras palizas, choques eléctricos, colgar a una persona de pies o manos, separación y estiramiento de las piernas, quemaduras con objetos calientes, abusos sexuales y privaciones y humillaciones psicológicas.
In addition to such measures, in violation of the prisoners' basic human rights, the occupying Power continues to subject Palestinian prisoners and detainees to all forms of psychological and physical maltreatment, such as cuffing their feet and hands, measures of humiliation and intimidation, forced interrogations and, in many cases, torture.
Además de esas medidas, que violan los derechos humanos básicos de los reclusos, la Potencia ocupante sigue sometiendo a los prisioneros y detenidos palestinos a múltiples formas de maltrato psicológico y físico, como esposarlos de pies y manos, y a medidas de humillación e intimidación, interrogatorios forzosos y, en muchos casos, torturas.
He was then taken to the police station, where his feet and hands were tied and his head was placed in a water tank until he felt that he was drowning.
Luego fue trasladado a la comisaría donde, atado de pies y manos, se le introdujo la cabeza en un depósito con agua hasta provocarle sensación de asfixia.
Bodies that drifted down the Kagera river at an average rate of five per day in the last week of September, many of which had their feet and hands tied - indicating that the victims had been summarily executed - were being recovered.
Durante la última semana de septiembre se sacaron del río Kagera cinco cadáveres diarios de promedio, muchos de ellos atados de pies y manos, lo que indica que las víctimas habían sido ejecutadas sumariamente.
At night they were taken to the wood, where they were hung up and beaten, with their feet and hands tied, under pressure to sign confessions.
Por la noche los trasladaban al bosque donde, atados de pies y manos, los colgaban y golpeaban, conminándolos a que firmaran confesiones.
They then tied his feet and hands, stole his car with all his belongings and released him barefoot and completely helpless.
Lo ataron de pies y manos, robaron su automóvil con todas sus pertenencias y lo abandonaron descalzo y totalmente desamparado.
Another very common form of punishment is to chain prisoners by the feet and hands both in solitary confinement and ordinary cells.
El uso de cadenas en pies y manos en las celdas de aislamiento o en las celdas normales, es también una forma habitual de castigo.
Then we can tie his feet and hands together and take him back alive.
Entonces le atamos de pies y manos y le traemos vivo.
When you free climbing you use your feet and hands to hold on to the rock.
Cuando haces escalada libre usas tus pies y manos para aferrarte a la roca.
Holding him and seeing his tiny feet and hands and then just handing him over to someone else.
Sostenerlo y mirar sus pequeños pies y manos y luego dárselo a alguien más.
Your feet and hands should be in sync.
Tus pies y manos deben estar sincronizados.
The other kids can't do feet and hands.
Los otros chicos no pueden dibujar pies y manos.
U-Uh, numbness in my feet and hands, uh, constipation-- And?
Entumecimiento de pies y manos, estreñimiento--
You're still gonna be able to hold him and his tiny little feet and hands.
Aún así podrás abrazarlo, y a sus pequeños pies y manos.
They nailed Carwood's feet and hands to a wagon wheel.
Clavaron los pies y manos de Carwood a la rueda de una carreta.
My feet and hands sank into the mud.
Pies y manos se me hundieron en el barro.
close-ups of her head, feet, and hands.
primeros planos de su cabeza, de sus pies y manos.
The woman was washing the mud off her feet and hands on the threshold.
La mujer se estaba limpiando el barro de pies y manos en el umbral.
It has no feet or hands. It can’t move or create on its own.
No tiene pies ni manos, no puede moverse o crear por su cuenta.
Stubby six-digit feet or hands on the ends of the limbs.
Recios pies o manos de seis dedos en los extremos de los miembros.
His webbed feet and hands flailed, and he sensed darkness ahead.
Sus pies y manos palmeados se agitaron, y presintió la oscuridad que se avecinaba.
Forget the head atop it, the legs below, feet, arms, hands.
Olvidan la cabeza que hay encima, las piernas, pies, brazos, manos que hay debajo.
They were short-limbed, with clawed, fur-covered feet and hands.
Tenían los miembros cortos, con pies y manos cubiertos de pelo y dotados de garras.
Big feet, big hands, big neck, wide shoulders.
Pies grandes, manos grandes, cuello grueso, hombros anchos.
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