Translation for "feeling about it" to spanish
Translation examples
In my brief statement today, I wanted above all to describe my feelings and our feelings about the spirit rather than the substance of the work we will have to resume next year.
Al intervenir brevemente en el día de hoy he querido describir, sobre todo, nuestro sentir con respecto al espíritu más que acerca de la sustancia de los trabajos que deberemos reanudar el año próximo.
Now it's here, I have a dust and ashes feeling about it.
Ahora está aquí, tengo un polvo y ceniza sentir al respecto.
They cut me off. If that's the way they feel about it... don't mention the government to me.
Esa es la forma en que me hacen sentir al respecto... no mencionen el gobierno para mí.
I don't know how to feel about it.
No sé qué sentir al respecto.
What's wrong is how society makes you feel about it... because nobody can admit... that people aren't completely gay or completely straight.
Lo que está mal es cómo la sociedad te hace sentir al respecto... porque nadie puede admitir... que las personas no son completamente gays o completamente heterosexuales.
She didn't know how to feel about that.
Liquen no sabía qué sentir al respecto.
Everyone had seen the horror and didn’t need to be told how to feel about it.
Todo el mundo había visto el horror y no necesitaba que le dijeran qué debía sentir al respecto.
It’s as if he were constantly observing his life and had no idea what he should feel about it.
Es como si contemplara todo el tiempo su vida y no supiera qué sentir al respecto.
Sara stared after him, not sure what had just happened or how she was supposed to feel about it.
Sara se quedó mirándolo sin saber muy bien qué era lo que acababa de pasar ni qué debía sentir al respecto.
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