Translation for "extraordinary popularity" to spanish
Translation examples
Kaeso was in awe of his friend’s relentless drive and ambition, and hardly surprised by his extraordinary popularity.
Kaeso estaba sobrecogido ante el empuje y la ambición inexorable de su amigo, aunque apenas sorprendido por su extraordinaria popularidad.
It may be suggested that a certain favouritism was shown here, not only on account of Germanicus’s extraordinary popularity during his lifetime among all who came;
Podrá sugerirse que aquí se mostró cierto favoritismo, no sólo por la extraordinaria popularidad de Germánico durante su vida, entre todos los que entraron en contacto con él, sino porque sabían que era yo, el emperador, quien presentaba la obra.
her sense of the drifts of feeling and opinion was extremely shrewd, and there were many about her who were ready enough to tell unpleasant stories of the absent favourite and expatiate on his growing—his extraordinary—popularity all over the country.
su percepción de los vaivenes del sentimiento y de la opinión era en extremo sagaz; y no faltaban a su alrededor multitud de almas propensas a contar historias desagradables acerca del privado ausente y a explayarse sobre su creciente, su extraordinaria popularidad a lo ancho del país.
It is plain that, at the present time, President Aristide enjoys extraordinary popularity in his country: he represents a man who has brought hope back to the people of Haiti and started to restore democracy and the rule of law after the humiliations and the human rights violations committed during the three years of dictatorship.
Es evidente que el Presidente Aristide goza en el momento actual en su país de una popularidad extraordinaria: representa al hombre que ha sabido dar nuevas esperanzas al pueblo haitiano y se ha comprometido a restablecer la democracia y el estado de derecho en el país después de las humillaciones y de las violaciones de derechos humanos cometidas durante los tres años de dictadura.
It would be useful to know whether public support for the Greater Romania Party had increased or decreased since its extraordinary popularity in the 2000 presidential elections.
Sería útil saber si el apoyo del público al Partido de la Gran Rumania ha aumentado o disminuido desde que alcanzó aquella popularidad extraordinaria en las elecciones presidenciales de 2000.
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