Translation for "eventually into" to spanish
Eventually into
Translation examples
However, they were eventually promoted.
Eventualmente fueron ascendidos.
The exchange should eventually become a biennial event.
El intercambio debería convertirse eventualmente en una actividad bienal.
We hope that these discussions will eventually lead to the negotiation of legal instruments.
Esperamos que estas discusiones lleven eventualmente a la negociación de instrumentos jurídicos.
These children will be the young people who eventually will enter lower secondary education.
Estos niños serán los jóvenes que eventualmente entrarán a cursar sus estudios de secundaria.
It is undeniably the main reason for the eventual prolonged procedural detention.
No cabe duda de que esa es la razón principal de que eventualmente se prolongue la detención preventiva.
We hope that they will eventually find acceptance.
Esperamos que eventualmente lo sean.
Eventually the Israeli authorities discontinued their insistence on this baggage search.
Eventualmente, las autoridades israelíes dejaron de insistir en que se realizasen estos registros de equipaje.
The proposal to liberalize the market was eventually defeated.
Eventualmente, la propuesta de liberalizar el mercado fue rechazada.
The outcome of such a study could eventually be translated into a programme of action.
El resultado de este estudio podría eventualmente traducirse en un programa de acción.
Title may or may not eventually be transferred.
Eventualmente se puede transmitir el título.
They meet some more chlorophyll, which is hit by another photon from the sun, and that energy raises the electrons up again, and forces them onto carbon dioxide, turning that carbon dioxide eventually into sugars, into food for the cell.
Reúnen un poco más de clorofila, que es alcanzada por otro fotón del sol, y esa energía eleva los electrones de nuevo, y los obliga sobre el dióxido de carbono, a convertir ese dióxido de carbono eventualmente en azúcares, en alimento para la célula.
And even the possibility that the mummies themselves were going into some kind of larval stage and suspended animation where they would emerge eventually into some kind of new body like the extraterrestrials did.
E inclusive la posibilidad de que las mismas momias entraran en alguna clase de estado larval y animación suspendida donde emergerían eventualmente en alguna especie de cuerpo nuevo como los extraterrestres.
But it broke, eventually.
Pero, eventualmente, se le acabó.
It was the “eventually” that was the problem.
El problema estaba en lo de «eventualmente».
Others will eventually think of it.
Eventualmente, otros lo pensarán.
I'll have to leave eventually."
Pero eventualmente tendré que irme.
She was the one they eventually cured.
Eventualmente fue la que se curó.
But eventually he had to know.
Pero eventualmente lo tenía que saber.
finalmente, en
The charges against him were eventually withdrawn.
Finalmente se retiraron las acusaciones contra él.
The publication of the list was eventually completed on 23 November.
Finalmente, este se concluyó el 23 de noviembre.
African democracy will eventually be the order of the day.
Finalmente se instaurará la democracia africana.
The laptop was eventually returned to the visitor.
La computadora portátil finalmente se devolvió al visitante.
Eventually, the editors were acquitted.
Finalmente éstos resultaron absueltos.
Their eventual return was facilitated by the ICRC.
Finalmente, el CICR hizo posible su retorno.
And eventually, there it was.
Y, finalmente, allí estaba.
And eventually they agreed.
Y finalmente accedieron.
And eventually they had.
Y finalmente lo hicieron.
Eventually they dozed.
Finalmente, se adormecieron un poco.
Eventually, citizens.
Finalmente, ciudadanos.
Eventually, one of them was us.
Finalmente, una de ellas fuimos nosotros.
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