Translation for "enviroment" to spanish
Translation examples
Educational game online: ENVIRO : "Healthy Environments for Children"
Juego educativo en red ENVIRO : "Ambientes saludables para los niños"
Hey, Jim, look, I'm sorry about what happened in the enviro-chamber, but Hemmer said...
Oye, Jim, lamento lo que pasó en la cámara ambienta, pero Hemmer dijo...
Rothenberg and his enviro-nazi friends
Rothenberg y sus amigos ambiente-Nazis
And I think, that you're right about one thing, about the fact that this enviroment bothers Ljupce. I changed my opinion about it.
Y creo que, tiene usted razón en una cosa, de que este ambiente molesta a Ljupce.
Cupcake it's ... just a grab, basically an enviroment where woman are charged.
Es una fiesta ... dificil de describir es basicamente un ambiente donde las mujeres.
The enviroment today is quite exceptional.
Aunque el ambiente de hoy es algo especial.
As you know, the mutational properties of the virus, can be corupted by it's enviroment.
Como sabe las propiedades mutágenas del virus pueden corromperse por el ambiente.
Oh don't worry Dan we kept Genine in a strictly moisture controlled enviroment for you.
No te preocupes Dan, guardamos a Genine en un ambiente con humedad controlada.
Make sure they wear their enviro-suits.
Que vengan en trajes ambiente.
It has to be the enviro-suits, Kahlee thought.
«Deben de ser los trajes ambiente», pensó Kahlee.
He was still wearing his mask and enviro-suit, of course;
Aún llevaba su máscara y traje ambiente, por supuesto;
You will need to wear your enviro-suit, of course." "Okay.
Debe ponerse el traje ambiente, por supuesto. —De acuerdo.
A few were even sleeping. All of them were wearing their enviro-suits.
Algunos dormían. Y todos llevaban traje ambiente.
The room was packed with quarians, all in their enviro-suits, milling about.
La sala estaba llena de quarianos que se movían arriba y abajo, todos con sus trajes ambiente.
It is one of the few places we feel comfortable removing our enviro-suits.
Es uno de los pocos lugares en los que nos sentimos cómodos quitándonos los trajes ambiente.
It took him a moment to recognize her behind the enviro-suit and mask. "Kahlee?"
Le llevó un momento reconocerla tras el traje ambiente y la máscara. —¿Kahlee?
Grayson looked at Kahlee, still lying facedown on the ground in her enviro-suit.
Grayson miró hacia Kahlee, que seguía boca abajo en el suelo con un traje ambiente.
Five minutes later, once they had all donned their enviro-suits, they were off.
Cinco minutos más tarde, una vez embutidos en los trajes ambiente, salieron de la lanzadera.
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