Translation for "enjoy being" to spanish
Translation examples
Enjoy being a surgeon.
Disfruta siendo un cirujano.
do you really enjoy being this person?
Realmente disfrutas siendo esta persona?
Okay, well, I really enjoyed being you, dr.
Disfruté siendo usted, Dr. Hibbert.
Do you enjoy being an auntie, Leona?
¿Disfrutas siendo tía, Leona?
I don't enjoy being your conscience.
No disfruto siendo tu conciencia.
I enjoyed being your Bubby.
Disfrute siendo tu Bubby.
And i enjoy Being your friend.
Y disfruto siendo tu amigo.
"Enjoy being yourself"
" Disfruta siendo quien eres"
Do you really enjoy being
¿De veras disfrutas siendo
You enjoy being their slave?
¿Disfrutas siendo un esclavo?
Just be, and enjoy being.
Simplemente sé y disfruta siendo.
Yet I enjoyed being president.
Sin embargo, disfruté siendo presidente.
I enjoy being a legend.
Disfruto ser una leyenda.
I enjoyed being a mother.
Disfruté ser una madre.
I enjoy being liked.
Disfruto ser gustado.
- You enjoy being a tightwad.
- Disfrutas ser un tacaño.
I enjoy being worshipped.
Disfruto ser adorada.
You enjoy being looked at.
Disfrutas ser observada.
I actually enjoyed being the believer.
Disfruté ser el creyente.
You enjoyed being humiliated.
Usted disfruta ser humillado.
Just enjoy being normal.
Disfruta ser normal.
Enjoy being a young girl.
Disfruta ser jóven.
She just wanted to enjoy being home with them.
Solo quería disfrutar de estar en casa con los suyos.
I hope Felix is doing better, able to enjoy being home.
Espero que Félix esté mejor, que pueda disfrutar de estar en casa.
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