Translation for "electively" to spanish
Translation examples
At the very least, we need an arterial blood gas before you intubate electively.
Al menos, necesitamos un arterial blood gas antes de entubar electivamente.
Elected Positions
Cargos electivos
Governmental and elective positions
Cargos estatales y electivos
15% of the elective body.
15% del órgano electivo.
Representation in elected bodies
Representación en los órganos electivos
This is elective.
Esto es electivo.
Goethe, Elective Affinities,
Goethe, Las Afinidades Electivas,
"Elective Affinities", excellent!
Las Afinidades Electivas, ¡muy bueno!
It's an elective class.
Es una clase electiva
- It's your elective.
- Es tu electiva.
Elective acoustic neuroma.
Neuroma acústico electivo.
- is an elective surgery.
- es una operación electiva.
It's hardly elective.
Es muy electiva.
- It's an elective.
- Es una electiva.
His is an elective office.
Es un cargo electivo.
“I thought that job was elective.”
Pensaba que ese trabajo era electivo.
They were elective affinities, as I said.
Como te dije, había afinidades electivas entre ellos.
Valéry was fortunate in his elective reader.
Valéry fue afortunado con su lector electivo.
many positions will be elective, rather than appointive.
muchos cargos serán electivos y no nombrados a dedo.
And art is an expression of that need. It is not an elective operation.
El arte es la expresión de esta necesidad, no un acto electivo.
Here, if anywhere, was an elective affinity.
Aquí, más que en ningún otro sitio, existe una afinidad electiva.
But don't forget, county coroner's an elective office."
Pero no olvides que el cargo de juez de distrito es electivo.
So he ran for an elective position on the court, and he won.
Por eso buscó un cargo electivo en los tribunales, y lo consiguió.
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