Translation for "eating-room" to spanish
Translation examples
This is our communal eating room.
—Este es nuestro comedor comunal.
       Barquentine set out again on his descent to the eating-room.
Bergantín reanudó el descenso hacia el comedor.
We entered the eating room to be greeted by Afdal, the oldest son of the Sultan.
Entramos en el comedor y nos saludó Afdal, el hijo mayor del sultán.
Clara was just wandering out of the eating room with a little covey of friends.
Clara salía en ese momento del comedor en compañía de un grupo de amistades.
They walked slowlytoward the eating room, whiling away the few minutes before supper.
Ambos caminaban despacio hacia el comedor, haciendo tiempo antes de que se sirviera la cena.
It was a simple square structure, with kitchen and eating room below, and two floors of rooms above.
Era un edificio cuadrado y sencillo, con la cocina y el comedor en la planta baja y dos pisos con habitaciones.
Swearing under his breath, Alec stood up and looked down the hall to the gathering crowd in the eating room.
Maldiciendo por lo bajo, Alec permaneció en el pasil o entre el gentío que se dirigía al comedor.
They went silently into the communal eating room, with only the young woman giving Quinn a brief questioning glance.
Entraron en silencio al comedor comunal. Únicamente la jovencita dirigió a Quinn una mirada interrogante.
The supper scene was clearly visible, the huge glass doors of the eating room folded back to present a perfect view of the sumptuous feast.
Las enormes puertas del comedor estaban abiertas y dejaban ver el suntuoso banquete.
At the sides of the eating room there were a dozen coin-in-the-slot amusements, most of them with video screens and warlike themes.
En los lados del comedor se encontraban unos aparatos de monedas, la mayor parte de ellos con pantallas de video y temas de tipo bélico.
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