Translation for "dripping with sweat" to spanish
Translation examples
Damen was dripping with sweat as he hung up the phone.
Damen estaba chorreando sudor cuando colgó.
They only stopped when they were dead tired and dripping with sweat.
Cuando estuvieron agotados de cansancio y chorreando sudor, pararon.
I am dripping with sweat even though it is a cool night.
Estoy chorreando sudor aunque la noche es fría.
A telegraph engineer came in dripping with sweat, and ordered a couple of beers.
Un técnico de la compañía de telégrafos entró chorreando sudor, y pidió un par de cervezas.
He joined her in the doorway, his face dripping with sweat and blood from several cuts.
Él se reunió con ella en la puerta, con la cara chorreando sudor y sangre de varios cortes.
Dripping with sweat, his bare chest slashed with streaks of soot, my father had gone mad.
Con el torso veteado de trazos negros, chorreando sudor, mi padre estaba como loco.
The same grimy mechanic was wrestling with the engine. He hovered over it in a half-crouch, shirtless and dripping with sweat.
El mismo mugriento maquinista estaba bregando con el motor, medio inclinado sobre el mismo, con el torso desnudo y chorreando sudor.
The pig leaned the placard against the wall of the café, sat at the neighbouring table and removed his head – that’s to say, his pig’s head – to reveal a red face dripping with sweat, wet blond hair sticking to his scalp.
Apoyó el cartel en la fachada del bar, se sentó en la mesa vecina, se quitó la cabeza, es decir, su cabeza de cerdo; apareció un rostro masculino enrojecido, chorreando sudor, pelo rubio empapado en sudor.
I know why he’s saying that. All he can see is a short skinny kid, dripping with sweat and covered in black bits.
Sé por qué lo dice. Todo lo que ve es una niña bajita y delgada, chorreando de sudor y llena de trocitos negros pegados en la cara.
It was difficult to stay vigilant when you were tired, dripping with sweat, and pestered by bugs, but men who let their guard down at the wrong moment got killed.
Era difícil mantenerse alerta cuando se estaba cansado, chorreando de sudor y acribillado por los bichos, pero los hombres que bajaban la guardia en el momento equivocado acababan muertos.
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