Translation for "drifting away" to spanish
Translation examples
It seemed to drift away.
Parecía ir a la deriva.
Starting to drift away.
Empezaba a alejarme a la deriva.
They sat silently for a while. “. . . Drifting away, drifting away,” Peekaboo said. “Some do that.
Ambos guardaron silencio unos instantes. —… A la deriva, a la deriva —dijo Peekaboo—. A algunos les pasa.
He's drifting away from the ship.
Está a la deriva alejándose de la nave.
The barge would drift away, but this was Putney.
La barcaza iría a la deriva, pero aquello era Putney;
They were drifting away swiftly down stream.
Mientras tanto, la corriente los llevaba rápidamente a la deriva.
They were not disembodied heads, no, not free to drift away.
No eran cabezas incorpóreas, no, no podían alejarse a la deriva.
He doesn't have a jet pack on and he's drifting away—fast.
No tiene un paquete de reactores y está a la deriva.
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