Translation for "declined in" to spanish
Declined in
Translation examples
The relative importance of this determinant has declined because the importance of the primary sector in world output has declined.
La importancia relativa de este factor ha disminuido porque ha disminuido la importancia del sector primario en la producción mundial.
Infant and child mortality have declined.
La mortalidad infantil ha disminuido.
Structural unemployment has declined.
El desempleo estructural ha disminuido.
Poverty has not declined.
5. La pobreza no ha disminuido.
Abortion rates have declined.
La tasa de abortos ha disminuido.
The overall number of violations has declined.
El total de infracciones ha disminuido.
The number of reported disappearances has declined.
Han disminuido las denuncias de desapariciones.
Fishing has declined dramatically.
La actividad pesquera ha disminuido drásticamente.
Income inequality declined as well.
La desigualdad de ingresos también ha disminuido.
By 1994 their number had declined to 320,000.
Para 1994, había disminuido a 320.000.
Her interest had not declined.
Su propio interés no había disminuido.
In the street, traffic had declined.
En la calle, el tráfico había disminuido.
The number of fires should have declined, but in fact, they increased.
El número de incendios tendría que haber disminuido, pero aumentó.
Unlike their enemies the rats, stoats had not declined in numbers.
A diferencia de sus enemigas las ratas, los armiños no habían disminuido en número.
He was no longer a young man, but his desires for lovemaking had not declined with age.
Ya no era joven, pero su deseo sexual no había disminuido con la edad.
Surely the ores are not declining more rapidly than anticipated?
¿El mineral no debe haber disminuido más rápidamente de lo previsto, supongo?
The city declined and its population diminished, but the site was never entirely abandoned.
La ciudad había declinado y su población disminuido, pero el lugar nunca se abandonó del todo.
Miracles have declined, in their wondrous impact, since ancient times.
Pese al maravilloso impacto que causaban, los milagros han disminuido desde los tiempos de la Antigüedad.
You’d think she’d want to sell it; after all, the value has declined recently.
Cabría pensar que desea venderlo, ya que últimamente ha disminuido su valor.
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