Translation for "clean and dry" to spanish
Translation examples
You need to keep this clean and dry.
Necesitas mantener esto limpio y seco.
Hey? All clean and dry inside, is it?
Todo el interior limpio y seco, ¿verdad?
Be more careful. Keep it clean and dry.
Manténgalo limpio y seco.
I like it clean - clean and dry.
Me gusta limpio, limpio y seco.
Keep that clean and dry.
Mantenlo limpio y seco.
Try to keep it clean and dry.
Trata de mantenerlo limpio y seco.
The tub, the towels-- everything's clean and dry.
La bañera, las toallas... todo está limpio y seco.
Someplace clean and dry, or at least indoors.
En algun lugar limpio y seco, o al menos en el interior.
- Here you go. Clean and dry.
- Aquí tienes, limpio y seco.
There are no shoulder belts but the car is clean and dry.
No hay cinturones, pero el coche está limpio y seco.
at least the byre was now clean and dry.
El establo mismo estaba limpio y seco.
“And try to keep it as clean and dry as you can.”
E intenta mantenerlo todo lo limpio y seco que puedas.
His berth down in the hold, it was clean, and dry.
Dormía abajo, en un camarote limpio y seco.
he was keeping his bandage clean and dry, and he was keeping quiet.
mantenía el vendaje limpio y seco, y guardaba silencio.
The byre was clean and dry, though, and they didn’t have to freeze.
A pesar de ello el establo estaba limpio y seco y los animales no pasaban frío.
Main thing was to keep it clean and dry, and keep the gas-can full.
Lo principal era mantenerlo limpio y seco, y el bidón de combustible siempre lleno.
by the time I was clean and dry we had to dress and check out to catch that bus.
cuando estuve limpio y seco ya era hora de vestirme e ir en busca del autobús.
You'd be doing me a favour, keeping it clean and dry.
Me estaríais haciendo un favor, manteniéndola limpia y seca.
Okay, wound is clean and dry.
De acuerdo, la herida está limpia y seca.
Keep the wound clean and dry.
Mantén la herida limpia y seca.
It appeared clean, and dry to the touch.
Parecía limpia y seca al tacto.
Beyond the fence, the road was clean and dry.
Más allá de la valla, la carretera se veía limpia y seca.
The cabin was clean and dry with soft padding on the floor.
La cabina estaba limpia y seca, con un alfombrado blando en el suelo.
When you were on the path your Red Sox shirt stayed clean and dry.
Si te ceñías al camino, tu camiseta de los Red Sox seguía estando limpia y seca.
My clothes were laid out, too—the winter ones too big for Dellwood, clean and dry.
Mi ropa doblada; la de invierno, demasiado grande para Dellwood, limpia y seca.
For Ketchum’s sake, if Ketchum ever showed up, at least the clothes were clean and dry.
En atención a Ketchum, si es que Ketchum aparecía, el cadáver como mínimo vestiría ropa limpia y seca.
She kept her eyes averted from her naked body, too, putting on the clothing as soon as she was clean and dry.
Manteniendo la vista apartada de su cuerpo desnudo, se vistió en cuanto estuvo limpia y seca.
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