Translation for "clamminess" to spanish
Translation examples
Disgust for which the world has no name swelled my bosom... and chilled with a heavy clamminess my heart.
un asco, para el que el mundo no tiene nombre, henchía mi pecho, y helaba, con una pesada viscosidad, mi corazón.
The slabs that paved the corridor were clammy as an intestine.
el enlosado del piso del corredor tenía la viscosidad de un intestino.
The smell of the smoke filled his mouth with a nauseating clamminess.
El olor del humo llenaba su boca de una viscosidad repugnante.
Corinth nodded, feeling some of the clamminess leave him.
Corinth asintió, sintiendo que algo de aquella viscosidad le abandonaba.
To judge from the stink and clamminess, his skin exuded every poison his body could make.
A juzgar por el olor y la viscosidad, su piel exudó toda toxina que pudiera producir.
I suddenly felt clammy all over, sick, awful. It is difficult to describe, this sick feeling, because of course you could only be, I mean, insane with gladness that these men were being hanged--I wasn't sick at that--but because it just reminded me again of so much I wanted to forget.
De pronto sentí una especie de viscosidad en todo el cuerpo, acompañada de náuseas, una sensación terrible, algo difícil de describir, porque aun cuando era natural que todo el mundo se alegrara de que aquellos hombres fuesen ejecutados, yo no sentía alegría, porque todo aquello me recordaba de nuevo muchas cosas que quería olvidar.
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