Translation for "ceramicist" to spanish
Translation examples
Nate was deflowered by a mildly famous ceramicist.
A Nate le desvirgó una ceramista.
Fiona Kleinschmidt, the ceramicist.
Fiona Kleinschmidt, la ceramista.
Candle and Rushlight Maker. Ceramicist.
Ceramista. Cestero. Confeccionista de velas.
Latterly it had been used as a studio by a ceramicist, and was left derelict when she died …
El antiguo taller de un ceramista que lo había abandonado tras quebrar…
She would climb up in the butcher wagon if she wanted, or she would have a ceramicist as an escort.
Si quería, se subía al carro de la carnicería, o salía con un ceramista.
The coffeeshop waiters and waitresses were, of course, actors and actresses; and the people they served were all librettists and scenarists, harpists, pointillists, ceramicists, caricaturists, contrapuntalists.
Los camareros y camareras de los cafés eran actores y actrices, y los clientes de los cafés eran libretistas y guionistas, arpistas, puntillistas, ceramistas, caricaturistas, contrapuntistas.
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