Translation for "caught he was" to spanish
Translation examples
“With almost no chance of getting caught,” Della said. “With almost no chance of getting caught,” he agreed.
—Con la seguridad casi absoluta de no ser atrapado —replicó Della. —Con la seguridad casi absoluta de no ser atrapado —convino él.
"Didi," exclaimed Binoy, on seeing how shy she was, "when a thief is caught he gets punished from all sides, and so now that you have been caught by them all you have got to enjoy the fruits.
—Didi —exclamó Binoy al advertir la turbación de Sucharita—, cuando el ladrón es atrapado todos están prestos a castigarle. Hoy te han atrapado a ti y vas a llevar tu merecido.
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