Translation for "capitoline museums" to spanish
Capitoline museums
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Translation examples
The Capitoline Museum has already asked for it.
The Museo Capitoline ya se ha interesado por el.
We’re driving to Rome so the treasure can be stored in the safety of the Capitoline Museum.”
Iremos a Roma para poner el tesoro a buen recaudo en los Museos Capitolinos.
A few years ago I was with Tuvia at an academic conference in Rome, and I went with him to the Capitoline Museum.
—Hace algunos años, asistí con Tuvia a un congreso celebrado en Roma, y fui con él al Museo Capitolino.
Harvey’s parents, on the other hand, are looking over a brochure listing the current exhibits, after having uselessly tried to convince their son to go with them to visit the Capitoline Museums.
Los padres de Harvey, en cambio, miran el prospecto de las exposiciones corrientes, después de haber intentado convencer inútilmente al hijo de que se fuera con ellos a visitar los Museos Capitolinos.
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