Translation for "called forth" to spanish
Translation examples
The power of the Elfstones would not be called forth.
El poder de las piedras élficas no podía ser convocado.
Would I not have called forth Urshula to strike hard into Gareth's ranks?
¿No habría convocado a Urshula para castigar las filas de Gareth?
That strain was called forth by the death of their common friend, Thomas Gray.
Esa veta fue convocada por la muerte de un amigo en común, Thomas Gray.
What you have called forth, Richard Rahl, we cannot stay to witness.
—No podemos quedarnos para presenciar lo que has convocado, Richard Rahl.
Called forth by the Oversoul to journey through the desert and eventually return to Earth'—I bet there's no table entry for that.
«Convocados por el Alma Suprema para viajar por el desierto con el propósito de retornar a la Tierra.» Apuesto a que no hay notación para eso.
“Oh, don’t say so, Priscilla,” said Nancy, repenting that she had called forth this outburst;
—¡Oh!, no habléis así, Priscila —dijo Nancy, arrepintiéndose de haber provocado aquella explosión—;
As he stood there, the silver trumpets prolonged their note, as if reluctant to leave the lovely sight which their blast had called forth;
Mientras estaba ahí, de pie, las trompetas de plata prolongaron su nota, como si les doliera abandonar la bella visión que había provocado su estruendo;
Margaret laughed outright at the notion presented to her; laughed so merrily that it grated on Mrs. Thornton's ear, as if the words that called forth that laugh, must have been utterly and entirely ludicrous.
Margaret se rió de la idea expresada, se rió tan alegremente que hirió el oído de la señora Thornton como si las palabras que habían provocado aquella risa fuesen total y absolutamente absurdas.
He wore his black hair smooth and imparted, brushed forward over his brow. On his finely chiselled Spanish face there was the trace of a smile, called forth perhaps by the applause or perhaps simply by his contempt for death and his awareness of his own prowess.
Bajo un cabello negro que le caía sobre las cejas liso y despeinado, se veía un rostro de finos rasgos españoles en el que se dibujó una levísima sonrisa, tal vez provocada por la ovación, tal vez sólo por la conciencia de su destreza y su desprecio por la muerte;
he said, “the delicate and considerable knightly protests that have been called forth by my colleague’s native sense of oration, and apologizing to all for whom our wild search for truth seems unsuitable to the grand ruins of a feudal land, I still think my colleague’s question by no means devoid of rel’vancy.
—Pasando por alto —dijo— las delicadas y notablemente caballerescas protestas provocadas por el nativo sentido oratorio de mi colega, y pidiendo disculpas a todos aquellos en cuya opinión nuestra despiadada búsqueda de la verdad parece no cuadrar a las grandiosas ruinas de una tierra feudal, considero todavía que la pregunta de mi colega no está destituida en modo alguno de oportunidad.
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