Translation for "both men" to spanish
Translation examples
Both men reportedly disappeared in December 2007.
Ambos hombres desaparecieron supuestamente en diciembre de 2007.
Both men command a great deal of respect and enjoy popularity in their respective communities and beyond.
Ambos hombres gozan de gran respeto y popularidad tanto dentro de sus respectivas comunidades como fuera de ellas.
Both men were later handed over to UNMIK police.
Ambos hombres fueron posteriormente entregados a la policía de la Misión de Administración Provisional de las Naciones Unidas en Kosovo (UNMIK).
Both men lost their legs upon impact.
Ambos hombres perdieron las piernas a causa del impacto.
Both men are rumoured to be dead following their arrest by security agents.
Se rumorea que ambos hombres fallecieron tras haber sido detenidos por agentes de seguridad.
Both men were forced to sit on the ground.
Ambos hombres fueron obligados a sentarse en el suelo.
IPTF officers later observed bruises on both men’s bodies.
Los funcionarios de la Fuerza Internacional de Policía observaron posteriormente contusiones en los cuerpos de ambos hombres.
Both men were reported to be currently in need of urgent medical attention.
Se creía que ambos hombres habían sido golpeados y necesitaban urgentemente atención médica.
Mr. Sedljar noticed that both men sustained light wounds as a result of the fight.
El Sr. Sedljar observó que ambos hombres tenían heridas leves a causa de la pelea.
Both men had allegedly been tortured by the "chiffon" method.
Ambos hombres habían sido supuestamente torturados por el método “chiffon”.
I called both men in.
Ambos hombres vendrán.
But both men were involved.
Ambos hombres estuvieron involucrados.
- .. you were seeing both men,
- se veía con ambos hombres.
Both men down!
Ambos hombres caen! Espera un minuto!
Both men were wearing disguises.
Ambos hombres estaban disfrazados.
Aren't you both... men?
Aren que ambos hombres...?
[both men] It just happened.
[ambos hombres] Solo sucedio.
Both men all-out.
Ambos hombres sin cuartel.
Both men worked logistics.
Ambos hombres trabajaban logística.
Both men are killed.
Ambos hombres mueren.
both men were wary.
ambos hombres eran precavidos.
Both men felt a sense of relief.
Ambos hombres se tranquilizaron un poco.
Both men were glaring at me.
Ambos hombres me contemplaban.
Both men were at once arrested.
Ambos hombres fueron detenidos.
Both men had forgotten she was there.
Ambos hombres se habían olvidado de que estaba.
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