Translation for "been related" to spanish
Translation examples
‘And does it concern you that this something might have been related to the Event?’
—¿Y no te preocupa que ese algo pueda estar relacionado con el Acontecimiento?
I explained that Tasha Catchings and Estelle Chipman had been related to cops.
Le expliqué que Tasha Catchings y Estelle Chipman estaban relacionadas con policías.
“So the bodies at the site could be Huns and the fighting could have been related to the tomb.”
—De manera que los cadáveres del yacimiento podrían ser de hunos, y la batalla podría estar relacionada con la tumba.
“—undetected by the radar arrays, we are getting reports that there was a temperature anomaly that may have been related to the attack.”
—… no detectadas por las baterías de radar. Hemos recibido informes de que ha tenido lugar una anomalía térmica que puede estar relacionada con el ataque.
`People think you have been brought in as a specialist because the death of Chrysippus must have been related to problems with his bank.
-La gente piensa que has traído a un especialista porque la muerte de Crísipo debe de estar relacionada con problemas en este banco.
Virtually all subsequent nerve gases-which killed by interfering with the transmission of electrical nerve impulses-had been related to that original chemical compound. Including Vexxon.
Virtualmente, todos los gases nerviosos – que mataban al interrumpir la transmisión de los impulsos eléctricos nerviosos- estaban relacionados con el primer compuesto químico, incluido el Vexxon.
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